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Thursday, 10 February 2011

how exciting Bangladeshi people for world cup.

World cup is very coming soon. After few days world cup will start in Bangladesh. Now Bangladeshi people too much happy and so much exciting. IN 17 February world will watch Bangladesh.. What is Bangladesh?? Bangladesh has completed all work for opening ceremony and all matches. We don't know what will we see?? but all of the people and world are excepting Bangladesh will show their Best. All Bangladeshi peoples are too much happy. Now Bangladesh is a new country....
IN the opening ceremony Bangladesh will have see their culture and how to got freedom.  Bangladeshi culture is very nice... world will see in 17 February..

WORLD CUP has come in Bangladesh...

BCB has received world cup. Now world cup is moving in Bangladesh. BCB is  moving the world cup for inspire Bangladesh people. BCB is organizing more and more for world cup. Bangladeshi peoples are very happy to see the world cup.

Canda has come in Bangladesh

Canada has come in Bangladesh for world cup. Canada's captain said they want play 2nd round. They think that they can do it. IN 2003 world cup they played very well. That's why Canada has huge impaction. They will start their world cup from practice match. Also they said about Bangladesh, Canada's captain said Bangladesh has developed too much. Bangladesh can show something in the world cup. In the ground places of Bangladesh, Bangladesh is very Dangers.